集合创智TEAMIDEA创办与2011年是一家专注品牌创建、品牌升级以及品牌管理作为核心的品牌创意机构。进行以创意策略,视觉概念和以商业结果为导向的品牌沟通。团队拥有众多经验丰富的品牌设计师和各领域跨界品牌合作伙伴, 就像集合创智TEAMIDEA的名称一样(TEAM 团队 + IDEA 创意)集合团队的力量和智慧创造出一个一个独具价值的创意。
TEAMIDEA founded in 2011, is a brand creative agency focusing on brand creation, brand upgrading and brand management as the core. Conduct creative strategy, visual concept and business outcome oriented brand communication. The team has many experienced brand designers and crossover brand partners in various fields. Like the name is TEAMIDEA (TEAM + IDEA) collection all team's strength and wisdom to create a lot of valuable creative works.